Application Deadline: 28 February 2025:
The Institute of Global Value Inquiry (IGVI) invites applications from scholars specialising in African feminist philosophies to join the African Gender Equality Research Group. The initiative aims to bring together researchers across Africa to explore and critically engage with African philosophies, values, and norms within the context of global values. The researchers in the group will undertake innovative research and advocacy on African feminist philosophies, gender equality discourses, women’s empowerment and rights, decoloniality, and Indigenous knowledge on women’s empowerment.
Application Requirements:
- Researchers must be based in Africa and be employed by or connected to an African university.
- Applicants to the position must have a PhD or doctorate in philosophy or a cognate discipline within the humanities, and specialise in gender equality research, decoloniality, feminist philosophies, epistemologies and methodologies.
- The selected scholars will be appointed for a duration of four years and will receive a monthly stipend of 800 Euros.
Application Procedure
They should send the following documents to [email protected] by 28 February 2025:
A short outline of a research proposal covering one or more of the thematic areas listed below (no more than two pages long).
A curriculum Vitae (CV) of no more than six pages.
A list of publications.
Three to five written documents containing results of research into values and norms (no more than five article-length works and no more than two book-length works).
A summary of the candidate’s expertise in questions of gender equality (no more than six pages long).
Enquiries concerning this call for applications may be addressed to either the directors of IGVI, Anke Graness ([email protected]) and Valentin Beck ([email protected]) or the Senior Scientist in charge of the African Gender Equality Research Group, Constance Awinpoka Akurugu ([email protected]).
For More Information:
Visit the Official Webpage of the African Gender Equality Research Group