Home Call for Applications WIPO Global Awards 2025 for small and medium-sized enterprises (Travel expenses covered to Geneva, Switzerland)

WIPO Global Awards 2025 for small and medium-sized enterprises (Travel expenses covered to Geneva, Switzerland)

by OFA

Application Deadline:  31 March 2025

Applications are now open for the 2025 WIPO Global Awards for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Every year the WIPO Global Awards celebrate small businesses, start-ups and university spinouts that leverage Intellectual Property (IP) backed innovation and creativity in an exceptional manner to achieve business goals and improve society.

The WIPO Global Awards are celebrating your achievements, specifically focusing on:

  • Developing innovations that contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • Transforming research and ideas into successful commercial ventures
  • Achieving business growth through IP-driven strategies

Requirements for SMEs

  • The contest is open to small businesses, start-ups including university spinouts located in one of WIPO’s 193 Member States.
  • It is a registered business entity. Proof of registration is required.
  • It has no more than 300 employees and up to 15 US$ millions of total annual sales.
  • It is a holder of at least one registered IP right.
  • It is exporting its products or services to at least one country.

Requirements for Startups

The Awards Program is open to all startups located in at least one of WIPO’s 193 Member States and meeting the following conditions:

  • The startup is a registered business entity with a legal existence of no more than three years. Proof of registration is required.
  • It has no more than 50 employees.
  • The startup has an innovative product or service associated with IP rights.
  • The startup has submitted at least one application for the registration of one IP right and/or is the holder of at least one registered IP right.
  • The startup is affiliated with a business support organization, such as an incubator, an accelerator, or a similar entity. Proof of affiliation is required.
  • The startup has affirmed its engagement with at least one commercial customer, and/or has completed a business sale, and/or secured one investor.


  • Tailored mentorship for commercialization of innovations and creations
  • Exclusive access to WIPO resources
  • Global visibility and recognition
  • Access to the awards ceremony and other networking events in Geneva, Switzerland. Travel expenses covered

Application Timeline

1. Application period
(15 January to 31 March 2025)

Interested companies can apply through the online application available in six languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and Spanish.

2. Public announcement of finalists
(Second week of May 2025)

The WIPO Secretariat will shortlist finalists from the timely received applications.

3. International jury deliberations
(End of May 2025)

Winners are selected among the finalists after evaluation by a diverse, independent international jury with specialized expertise in commercialization of  IP assets, innovation, creative industries, venture capital, and business development across different industries. Direct private notifications will be sent to the winners for further arrangements.

4. Public announcement of winners at the Awards Ceremony in Geneva
(Second week of July 2025)

Winners, members of the jury, sponsors, mentors and other high level participants will be invited to join the Awards Ceremony in Geneva, to be held as a special event of the WIPO General Assembly. Other exclusive networking events are included.

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage of the WIPO Global Awards for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)

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