Home Fellowships 2014-2015 Schlumberger Fellowships for Women.

2014-2015 Schlumberger Fellowships for Women.

by lanredahunsi

Application Deadline: November 15 2013

The Schlumberger foundation faculty for the future program, launched in 2004, awards fellowships to women from developing and emerging economies to pursue PhD or post-doctoral studies in the physical sciences, engineering and technology at leading universities abroad.

Are you interested in PhD research at UNESCO-IHE? Please visit the research section on this website to learn more about our research themeschair groups and lecturers. You have to apply for the PhD programme prior to applying for the fellowship. Find all information about the Faculty for the Future fellowship programme below.

Eligibility criteria

To be eligible to apply for this fellowship applicants must meet the following criteria, you:

  • are a female and are a citizen of a developing country or emerging economy. You are not eligible to apply if you hold dual citizenship of which one is citizenship of a developed country*
  • are preparing for a PhD, or postdoctoral study in the physical sciences, engineering and related disciplines
  • are enrolled, admitted or have applied to a host university/research institute abroad (applications are no longer accepted where an individual has not yet applied to a university). If you are applying for a sandwich course the final degree must be awarded by the University abroad (not from the home country university)
  • hold an excellent academic record
  • can demonstrate active participation in faculty life and outreach programs to encourage young women into the sciences
  • are willing to contribute to the socio-economic development of your home country and region by strengthening the faculties in your home universities, pursuing relevant research, or using your specific expertise to address public policy matters

* Faculty for the Future does not draw on one single source or list but constitutes its eligible country list from a number of sources which allows incorporation of development status with regard to science, gender and education for example.

Selection Procedure

The selection process includes five rounds:

  1. Based on compliance with eligibility criteria stated above.
  2. Based on scoring of the these criteria
  1. Focus on quality of research proposal, scientific interest and relevance to home country.
  2. Interview by telephone by members of the Schlumberger Foundation Board of Trustees.
  3. Selection of grant recipients.

Faculty for the future grants are based on actual costs up to a maximum of $50,000 per year.

Application deadlines

New applicants can submit their application from 9 September 2013 to 15 November 2013. Recommendation letters can be uploaded until 23 November 2013.

Applicants aiming for a renewal grant can submit their application from 9 September 2013 to 8 November 2013. Recommendation letters can be uploaded until 8 November 2013.

Applications can be submitted here.

For more information please visit the website of the Faculty for the Future program.

Read more about the Schlumberger Foundation on their website.

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