Home Call for Applications 2015 Music Omi International Music Residency Programme for Musicians, Composers & Performers , New York USA

2015 Music Omi International Music Residency Programme for Musicians, Composers & Performers , New York USA

by lanredahunsi

Application Deadline: February 1, 2015 (Midnight EST)

What: Summer 2015 Residency
When: Thursday, July 23 – Sunday, August 9, 2015
Whom: for musicians — composers and performers from around the globe

Results Announced: April 1, 2015.

Worth: Everyone accepted to Music Omi receives lodging, including a private room, and delicious meals during his or her stay, but accepted fellows must secure their own travel funds. All awarded fellows commit to remaining for the entire residency.

Every summer, Music Omi invites approximately a dozen musicians — composers and performers from around the globe — to come together for two and a half weeks in a unique collaborative music making residency program.

Music Omi encourages its participants to share ideas; perform each other’s works and write music for one another while exploring their own musical vision; and broaden their artistic and cultural horizons.


Omi International Arts Center, where the Music Omi residency takes place, is located two and a half hours north of New York City in the historic Hudson River Valley’s Columbia County. Named for a neighboring village, Omi is close to the small town of Ghent, NY, as well as Albany, Chatham, and Hudson, NY, which offers train connections less than thirty minutes away.

Application Process

  • You will provide an audio or video work sample of no longer than 4 minutes total. This work sample may be made up of up to three excerpts from work created in the last five years.
  • It is recommended that your provide three excerpts if possible (you will be asked to indicate the year created, your role in the work—whether you are composer, performer, or both, what instruments/performers are featured, and whether the work is improvised, composed, a combination, or digitally produced). Do not indicate cue points on longer excerpts; prepare a single work sample of no more than 4 minutes in length.
  • You will also be asked to provide a brief bio (175 words or fewer) and a short narrative explaining why you would like to attend Music Omi.
  • Additional fields will allow you to provide information about country of origin (and country where you live if different), plus any instruments you play and your primary role as a music-maker.

Apply Now for the 2015 OMI Music Residency Programme for Musicians, Composers and Performers

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage of the OMI Residency Programme

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