Application Deadline: 13 October 2017
The GSMA Disaster Response Innovation Fund aims to promote innovation in the use of mobile telecommunications to assist and/or protect individuals and communities affected by disaster/crises.
1 The Fund’s objectives are to support two types of projects:
• Market Validation—Support the scale up or replication of an existing project, product or service, delivered through collaboration between mobile network operators (MNOs), non-governmental organisations (NGOs), humanitarian agencies, private sector partners and/or national emergency/environmental bodies, which has previously delivered innovative, impactful mobile-based solutions for disaster/crises affected populations;
2• Seed Project —Trial new products or services, where applicant organisations—MNOs, NGOs,
humanitarian agencies, private sector partners, and/or national emergency/environmental bodies—have established mutual interest in the proposed activity and intend to work together to test new business models that have the potential to demonstrate innovative, impactful mobile-based solutions for disaster/crises affected populations.
3 All grants are expected to provide examples of best practice and lessons learned on how mobile technology can drive improved preparedness, response or recovery in disaster situations. The Fund is particularly interested in projects that can demonstrate financial and technical sustainability in the long term, beyond and funding provided by the GSMA.
The Fund is open to global or national organisations and companies whose projects are implemented in the following regions:
• Sub-Saharan Africa
• Asia Pacific
• Middle East and North Africa
• Latin America
The Fund is supportive of proposals that have the potential for replication and scale in other geographies.
Throughout the life of the grant, projects must demonstrate that they are promoting innovations that have a positive effect on people affected by disasters and crises, be that through reducing risk, saving lives, reducing suffering, maintaining dignity or promoting recovery.
Grantees are expected to set and agree measurable targets with the Fund for the life of the project.
Examples include:
• the number of people (direct and indirect beneficiaries) who have improved access to and use of life-enhancing mobile enabled services during humanitarian and disaster preparedness, response and recovery; and
• improved delivery of humanitarian assistance and/or improved preparedness, response or recovery in humanitarian emergencies through mobile-enabled innovation.
The Fund is open to applications for innovative solutions that leverage mobile technologies to “save lives, alleviate suffering and maintain human dignity during and after man-made crises and disasters caused by natural hazards, as well as to prevent and strengthen preparedness for when such situations occur.
Available Funds:
The Fund will provide:
• Market Validation grants of £150,000–£300,000; and
• Seed Project grants of £100,000–£200,000.
Key Dates:
Submission Deadline: 13 October 2017
Proposal stage: Invitations to submit a full proposal will be sent in early November. Proposals will be due by 1 December 2017.
Successful grantees will be notified by 4 April 2018
For More Information:
Visit the Official Webpage of the GSMA Disaster Response Innovation Fund 2017
1 comment
[…] The GSMA Mobile for Humanitarian Innovation Fund : Funding of up to £300,000 per project is available, as well as mentoring, networking, project support and promotion. This funding round will test new technical solutions, catalyse ideas to improve or transform institutional systems, and enable solutions to empower, assist or protect individuals and communities affected by complex emergencies and forced displacement. Project impact should be delivered in Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Middle East and North Africa, or Latin America. […]